The Importance of Brand Guidelines
When you are starting a business your first thought is what you are offering...
When you are starting a business your first thought is what you are offering...
As part of our e-commerce series of blogs, we’re going...
Email marketing is still one of the best ways to stay in touch with your customers...
I was approached by a contact through LinkedIn asking me if I’d like to be introduced to someone who worked for Cancer Research UK (CRUK). Apparently they were looking for someone to do some design work for them – naturally I said yes – what...
Back in November 2014 I was working an event for the RCOG called The National Trainee Conference. It was my birthday so I wasn’t too chuffed about being sent up to Manchester to work 18 hour days but ‘thems the breaks’ I guess. My role was...
As part of our collaborative arrangement with Jaijo Design I was put in touch with Sarah Cassidy, Managing Director of Place Residential – an estate agency based in Chalfont St. Peter. Sarah was looking to give her website a refresh and had approached Jaijo to...
Hi. So, I thought I’d finally set myself up as self-employed and build my own brand, and here it is – Novemnine! I’m still putting the site together but thought it’d be a good thing to get the blog page up and running so at least...
So, when I first talk to people about what I’m doing for work now, one of the first questions is “So, what are you doing for work now?” followed soon after by “where does the name novemnine come from?” So in an effort to move conversations...