04 Nov Cancer Research UK – Annual Venetian Ball Look & Feel
I was approached by a contact through LinkedIn asking me if I’d like to be introduced to someone who worked for Cancer Research UK (CRUK). Apparently they were looking for someone to do some design work for them – naturally I said yes – what a brand.
I was introduced to Katie, Local Fundraising Manager at CRUK. The basic brief was for a poster, A5 Brochure front cover and ticket for their Annual Masquerade Ball to share the same look and feel. They had in mind the kind of image they’d like to lead with. There was a slight sensitivity with the project in that CRUK have an in-house design team, but what they had produced was not to the standard that Katie was looking for.
The general feel I wanted to achieve was one of class and mystery and so I chose an image that was mainly black with a large Venetian mask on the right hand side. After a couple of versions and input from Katie and her fundraising board, my original design was tweaked to involve the CRUK brand colour – magenta and added some sparkle to the background.
There was a lot of information to include on the tickets and the poster so a variety of font sizes was used to ensure nothing was omitted. Multiple fonts and sizes in one piece is one of my pet hates, anything more than two different font sizes can usually look messy. However, by making some line-spacing (leading) adjustments and structure tweaks I managed to get it looking right.
“At the start of this process, we didn’t have a final vision in mind, just a rough idea. Jon was able to put our ideas together and his first draft was pretty much spot on and everyone involved was over the moon with the final work. Thanks to his speediness, we are now ahead of schedule and have more time to promote the event, which will hopefully result in it being more successful.” – Katie Beck, Local Fund Raising Manager, Cancer Research UK
It’s really satisfying to hear that everyone (myself included) was happy with the final result, it ended up looking quite smart. See the picture above.
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