Hi. So, I thought I’d finally set myself up as self-employed and build my own brand, and here it is – Novemnine!
I’m still putting the site together but thought it’d be a good thing to get the blog page up and running so at least...
04 August, 2015
So, when I first talk to people about what I’m doing for work now, one of the first questions is “So, what are you doing for work now?” followed soon after by “where does the name novemnine come from?”
So in an effort to move conversations...
19 July, 2015
Hi I’m Jon, the man behind Novemnine. This is my first blog so I thought I’d clarify what I’m planning to include in future posts. This is basically, the section in which I get to talk about things I’ve done or things that have interested...
12 July, 2015